004 Egg Ethics, Solar Food Dryers and a Question about Earth Ovens

...ly and Erik discuss the tricky ethics of eggs and mayonnaise, what kind of solar food dryer is the best and we answer a question from Ed about earth ovens. Plans for the Appalachian Solar Food Dryer can be found in an article on Mother Earth News. We have a detailed post on how we built our adobe oven here. If you want to leave a question you can call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein....


Saturday Linkages: Dig that Passive Solar Birdbath!

Passive solar birdbath. Image: Builditsolar.com Passive solar birdbath: http://tinyurl.com/kbalf7x A Veteran Gets Criminal Treatment and Censored over Chickens http://tinyurl.com/lenrx9m Termite Ventilation – Natural Airconditioning http://feedly.com/e/2Zrz8bkc Rhone Street Gardens: 2013…Looking Back http://www.rhonestreetgardens.com/2013/12/2013looking-back.html One-minute doc on a man’s love for thrifted sweaters – http://boingboing.net/2013/12...


Street Signs and Solar Ovens

...ibit currently at the Craft and Folk Art Museum entitled “Street Signs and Solar Ovens: Socialcraft in Los Angeles” which is on view until December 31st. Curated by the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest, this timely show focuses on objects that demonstrate creative, low-tech solutions to the environmental and political mess we find ourselves in. We were particularly struck by the display case full of soda cans transformed by LA survivalist Christo...


Making Beer in Plain Language

...via the Bad Writing Contest Huh? At least the terminology surrounding beer making ain’t that obtuse, but it certainly could use some simplification. For novice home brewers, such as us here at Homegrown Evolution, the terminology creates an unnecessary barrier as impenetrable as a graduate school seminar in the humanities. Let’s see, there’s a mash, a mash tun, a wort, some sparging, malting, all the while specific gravities are measured and hopsi...
