How to Put Together a Small Scale Solar System

How can you use solar panels to power a few lights, run a fountain or charge some tools? It seems like a simple question, and yet I can’t tell you how many books/magazines/websites I’ve combed through in search of a basic tutorial for anything less than wiring up a whole house. Now I know how thanks to a podcast conversation between Eric of Garden Fork and Will of the Weekend Homestead. Will describes how he rigged up a few panels and batteries t...


How to Homestead

...ead videos to stream or download. No longer relegated to the rural sphere, homesteading can be done anywhere and we are here to show you how.” With many homesteading activities, from chicken slaughtering to tortellini making, internet based video is a useful resource when you don’t have a friend or relative to show you a skill first hand. Kudos to the How to Homesteaders and we look forward to future episodes on this nicely designed site. To celeb...


Saturday Linkages: The Calm After the Storm … Build-It-Solar Blog: Large DIY Solar Space and Water Heating System in … … Primitive Skills Roland Trevino of Altadena Makes and Uses the Ancient Atlatl: Gardening What to do with storm damaged trees: …...


Jas. Townsend’s 18th Century Cooking

...nto a deep and unlikely YouTube hole: Jas. Townsend and Son’s 18th century cooking videos. Jas. Townsend and Son is the most unlikely business I can imagine. They manufacture and sell 18th century clothing, cookware, camp equipment and housewares though a brick and mortar shop in Pierceton, Indiana. John Townsend is one of the most prolific and accomplished YouTubers I’ve encountered. His cooking videos feature professional lighting and sound (rar...


Beans 101 (Return of Bean Friday!)

...e them in the water, or they’ll get nasty. How many beans?: I never bother cooking less than a pound, which is about two cups of dried beans, give or take. Two cups of dried beans equals about 6 cups cooked, broth included. What kind of beans?: All dried beans may be cooked with this generalized method. Smaller beans cook a little faster than big beans. (Lentils are an exception: they don’t need pre-soaking or long cooking–so are good for last min...
