Saturday Linkages: The Kirghiz Light’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

...A Winged Figure, Abbott Handerson Thayer, 1904-1911. Comet NEOWISE Dazzles at Dusk What to do With Blackberries Poll: Who always wears a mask in public—and who doesn’t? CoronaShock and Socialism ‘Not just weeds’: how rebel botanists are using graffiti to name forgotten flora Extreme atmospheric rivers: what will California’s strongest storms look like in a warming climate? The Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo...


Saturday Linkages: New Root Simple Compound?

...Just in case you’re in the market for a very strange Goldfield Nevada property complete with pipe organ If you do buy that compound you’ll want to watch this movie filmed, partly, in Goldfield Yes, there’s a subreddit dedicated to power washing How to Tap Less on Your Phone (but Get More Done) A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air...


Saturday Linkages: In a Jam

...My shop uniform. To unite the country, we need honesty and courage Why the Internet Is Blowing Up About LA’s Most Infamous Jam Maker There’s No I in Jam: Sqirl Wrestles With the Sticky Question of Who Really Owns a Recipe The Billionaire Behind Efforts to Kill the U.S. Postal Service Bear whisperer out of a job Jet engine becomes unique camper An alternative to Ipé Museum of Material Failures...


Saturday Linkages: Congrats Nithya Raman!

...Is Naming Your Garden Pretentious? Mesquite, crucial to Indigenous diets for centuries, works miracles with water and needs no fertilizer. Why don’t we grow more of it? Partial fire season relief, at last: cold storm arrives in California Friday I Don’t Like Flashy Wood – Go Figure Two Gen Xers Walk Into A Retirement Home… Bruno Latour: ‘This is a global catastrophe that has come from within’...
