Saturday Tweets: Scary Gelatins and Flesh Eating Screwworms

...o/fqP3o3WKbz via @2020science — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 22, 2016 Grain silo #tinyhouse: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) October 22, 2016 A Black Mirror episode that depicts a society where everyone gets around in rolling metal boxes but 40,000 people die in horrific crashes. — Bicycle Lobby (@BicycleLobby) October 21, 2016 Bike lock developed that makes thieves immediately vomit — Root Simple (...


Don’t Worry About the Boule: Bake Bread in a Loaf Pan

...pper-panicked, hastily re-started my starter and fired up the Mockmill 100 grain mill. Baking with a sourdough starter puts you on a collision course with the unpredictability at the heart of the “natural” i.e. non-internet world. For me the unintended randomness of my loaves came down to the discovery that I was using too course a grind with the mill. Thereafter, my loaves improved. Even after that simple fix, I still get can get distracted by ch...


Have you ever wanted a uniform?

...both information and a higher quality image. So, take this all with a big grain of salt. If I find out more, I’ll amend the post. Anyway, I’ve always been very fond of the Russian avant-garde and the Constructivist movement. In the 1920’s they were very much into designing clothes for an idealized workers utopia. The pattern itself is dubious from a sewing perspective, because it’s obviously more about the Constructivist love of geometry than the...


How do I get started baking bread?

...overly lengthy and, often, confusing. Best of all, Baker emphasizes whole grain, sourdough fermented breads. Baker has summarized all the popular methods out there right now in one place. Want to make a New York Times no-knead/Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day type loaf? No problem, that’s the first loaf in Baker’s book. Want to make a Tartine style loaf without reading a hundred pages of directions? No problem, that’s also in the book. Wan’t t...
