Saturday Tweets: Subterranean Heating Systems, Achocha, Tree Beekeeping and Valentine’s Day Cocktails

...11, 2017 Raspberry Frappe, 1970 –Vintage Cocktail Friday — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 11, 2017 6 Flowers to Grow in the Vegetable Garden — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 11, 2017 A Coffee Renaissance Is Brewing, and It’s All Thanks to Genetics via @WIRED — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 4, 2017 The False Preacher [Morgan, MS M.892.3]


McDonald’s Corporation Headquarters Used to Have a Suede Waterbed Think Tank

...mail room, where rock music blasts from a radio, the cafeteria, where free coffee and nickel Cokes are available to all, employees, and “the tank” where’ with a reservation any McDonald’s clerk, secretary or executive, can escape to relax, write, or recharge their energies. Entered through a hatch and hallway maze, the tank has total silence, indirect lighting, temperature controls, soft beanbag chairs, and an area for pacing. Up a few steps and t...


Book Review: The Urban Bestiary

...s. Imagine you had a friend who was a naturalist who could explain the mysteries of the familiar yet unfamiliar wildlife which flit and shuffle through your backyard over a nice cup of coffee. Someone who could offer you an introduction to their world, and a chance to see your own world in a new light. This would be that book....


Cook With Internet Shaquille

...frugal and to the point cooking videos covering everything from hummus to coffee. I’m partial to his take downs of expensive pre-made meals such as smoothy purveyor Daily Harvest, and Scam Like Me, Get Blue Apron for Free. He’s also got some solid advice on how to make a restaurant quality burrito at home. So let that YouTube algorithm lead you down the Interne...
