028 Radical Homemaker Shannon Hayes

...ook. She has a new book of essays called Homespun Mom Comes Unraveled, a smart, funny, moving account of the challenges and joys of living the DIY life. Shannon also raises grassfed livestock on her family’s Sap Bush Hollow Farm. You can find her books (in both hard copy and ebook formats) and farm products on her website, theradicalhomemaker.net. During the podcast we discuss: Grass fed beef Radical Homemakers Gender roles Her new book Homespun M...


Dave Miller on Baking with 100% Whole Wheat

...les can alter the balance between the yeast and bacteria. The longer the starter goes between feedings, for instance, the more the bacteria will dominate. Too much bacteria in the levain and you’ll get a bread that is overly sour and over-fermented (a problem I’ve been having lately). Feed the starter more often or shorten the time between the feeding and using it in a loaf, and you’ll boost the yeast and decrease the bacteria. Some other concepts...


Recipe for the World’s Best Whole Wheat Pancake

...ea salt 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder The night before making these pancakes I take a tablespoon of mature starter and add it to 100 grams of freshly milled Sonora wheat flour and 110 grams of water. This mixture will be the 200 grams of starter you’ll use in the recipe. The next day mix all the ingredients together, fry them up in a pan and get ready to have your pancake paradigm shifted. New frontiers in baking Freshly milled...


Supper for a buck?

...alternatively, the small amount of extra flour needed for the sourdough starter. But how do you calculate starter costs, since it involves constant feeding over time? And what about energy costs to run the oven? Or the investment in the Dutch oven we use to bake the bread, amortized over time? This way lies madness. [Note: I have gone a little mad so I just figured out that there are 636 1/4 teaspoon measures in 1 pound of active dried yeast. 636...


Looking for Chicken Coop Plans

...s. I was wondering if you could help me spread the word. I’m looking for smart, good-looking chicken coops to feature in an upcoming book. If you’re proud of your coop, send pictures to [email protected]. Please indicate whether you would be able to provide building plans. (I have a budget to compensate builders for their plans.) I do *not* need plans to go with all the pictures, so send your pics even without them. Then I’ll be in...
