Weekend Linkages: Where’s My Cookie?

A note on this photo: my wood shop is right on the street and I have a dog cookie jar for the neighborhood doggos. The ones on extendo-leads just run into the shop and others pause with this expectant expression until I stop working and open the jar.

We’ve found it folks: mcmansion heaven

A nice collection of Indian recipes

The reasons medieval people slept in cupboards

Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for artists to use

Free high res art to print out and frame

Weekend Linkages: New Year, New Links

The Kept and the Killed

2023 Top 10 of Olden Tymee Cook Books on Sandwiches of History⁣

2023 Top 10 Worst Sandwiches on Sandwiches of History⁣

The San Francisco Bay’s Red Rock Island is for sale for $25M

Headlights Seem Brighter?

Jan. 18, 1968: Eartha Kitt Spoke Truth at the White House

Blood, Guns, and Broken Scooters: Inside the Chaotic Rise and Fall of Bird

Last Link of 2023

I’ve fallen down a deep hole of learning how to do marquetry and inlay work for a bed I’m building and I’ve been on the road for Christmas. These are my two excuses for not popping on here for a few weeks. Hope to have some shots of the bed soon (if I ever finish it!). In the meantime this seems important to note.