I Canceled the New York Times

...untry’s electricity and transportation systems would run entirely on wind, solar, hydropower or geothermal energy, with the fossil fuel industry footing much of the bill much as Mexico was to pay for the border wall. Keep in mind that this astonishingly biased article was written by one of the Times’s primary climate change reporters, Lisa Friedman. The article continues, Climate scientists and energy economists say the plan is technically impract...


A Springtime Poetry Break

...ree they know-the meaning of Arboreal life, how from earth’s salty lap The solar beam uplifts it; all the holiness Enacted by leaves’ fall and rising sap; But never an angel knows the knife-edged severance Of sun from shadow where the trees begin, The blessed cool at every pore caressing us -An angel has no skin. They see the Form of Air; but mortals breathing it Drink the whole summer down into the breast. The lavish pinks, the field new-mown, th...


Los Angeles: A New Beginning

...ing that makes oxygen and shade,” replied the mayor. “Won’t they block the solar panels?” asked Lauren. “Ba, ba, bu, buuuuuu . . . bus,” said the mayor. “Huh? Mr. Mayor are you okay?” said Lauren. “It’s . . . it’s like a car but carries over 100 people,” said the mayor. “We’ll have to run that past minister Musk,” said Lauren as she gazed out the window. “We could have lanes dedicated to buses,” blurted the mayor. “Maybe there could be affordable...


114 Will of The Weekend Homestead on Fire Safety

...ighter Will’s career in fireworks Upcoming and ongoing projects: outhouse, solar power, Instapot, apple orchard, and Will’s SKYBOX You can find The Weekend Homestead on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein. Additional...
