Saturday Linkages: Hornet-19

My neighbor Jennie just made doughnuts and came door to door with them. Gardens Have Pulled America Out of Some of Its Darkest Times. We Need Another Revival Jardines de Laribal, Parque Montjuïc, Barcelona Beekeeping with Asian hornets in France Crops from U.S. food supply chains will never look nor taste the same Again Bougie McPrepper What Does the White House’s Underground Bunker Look Like? Answer: like a mid-90s office Yes, there’s a bot that...


Saturday Linkages: Cat Hugs

A Quick Primer On Poultry Vaccines You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus Fresh Hell from the Baffler Here’s the File Clearview AI Has Been Keeping on Me, and Probably on You Too Our intersections are too dangerous. Here’s how to fix them Cyclist gets hit by car, then sued for $700 [editors note: this happened to me except it was $900] Listen: The Sound Of The Hagia Sophia, More Than 500 Years Ago The pungent legacy of Axe Body Spray Solar Class Jo...


Saturday Linkages: Gaslighting the Quarantine Cats

40 percent of Americans have taken “extremely unsafe” measures to sanitize their food and kitchens 3 Reasons Your Chicken May Display Red Legs Time to Get Blueberries in Your Freezer? Strawberry Feijoa Jam Your wedding’s been cancelled by the coronavirus lockdown? Good Inside NextDoor’s Karen problem What It’s Like to Get Doxed for Taking a Bike Ride Writer Lane Moore condensed my mood in a Tweet, is anyone else feeling gaslit all the time lately...


Saturday Linkages: Hot Takes

Kolomon Moser, Summer’s Evening. View tonight’s lunar eclipse How to stop your glasses from fogging up when you wear a mask Incompetence and Errors in Reasoning Around Face Covering David Beckham leads the way as men flock to ‘cottagecore’ look Twin Peaks: The Return, or What Isn’t Cinema? Pentagon War Game Includes Scenario for Military Response to Domestic Gen Z Rebellion The True Cost of Dollar Stores It’s ‘Our Fault’: Nextdoor CEO Takes Blame...


Saturday Linkages: Super Spreader

Thanks to @jimmy.chertkow for this spicy meme. New York’s hungry rats torment alfresco diners after lockdown famine Electric Crypto Balkan Acid Test Dry Canning Raw Vegetables is an Unsafe Practice ‘Landscape of fear’: what a mass of rotting reindeer carcasses taught scientists Warming trend in California, but most intense heat remains across the interior Southwest. And what about the autumn to come? On the Exceptionalism of Books in an Age of Tw...
