Saturday Linkages: Poultry Shaming, Horse Treadmills and Garden Snark

....html … Pison eu, Colon grossum! Reviving forgotten recipes: … Google sets roadblocks to stop distracted driver legislation Choosing a Secure Password … Physicists find a new ‘state of matter’ in the eyes of chickens


Bread Ovens of Quebec Free e-book includes the history of the Quebec oven, how to build an oven, bread recipes and even “popular beliefs, spells, incantations, and omens” associated with ovens. I’m really happy with the adobe oven we have in our backyard–it has produced many a tasty pizza and I look forward to having people over to give me an excuse to fire it up. Ovens, in Quebec households were associated with life itself and I understand why. If you’re interested in more...


Erik’s 2014 New Years Resolutions

...00% whole grain sourdough breads using freshly milled flour. Write up some recipes and share my results. Take a trip that involves a class or workshop. I’ve never regretted money spent on education (at least as an adult!). Good health. I’ve figured out a simple if quirky equation. If I can fence I’m healthy. If I can’t I’ve got work to do. This pretentious niche sport just happens to combine flexibility, endurance, strategy and speed. This past ye...


119 A Chat With the Gardenerd

...en and 400+ Tips for Organic Gardening Success: A Decade of Tricks, Tools, Recipes, and Resources from During the podcast we discuss: Chip Drop Free Little Library Front yard fruit trees Bee rescues Michael Thiele Celeriac Loofa Jicama Styrian hulless pumpkins Piteba Nut and Seed Oil Expeller Oil press Sow True Seed In Defense of Okra Tomato varieties: stupice, yellow perfection, Azoychka , Tess’s Landrace, Tigerela, Yellow pear, bl...


What Epuipment Do You Need to Bake Bread?

...kers I took classes with last year refuse to give cup equivalents in their recipes. Using a digital scale solved 90% of my bread baking problems. The scale pictured above is not the scale that I own, unfortunately. The one I have works just fine, but the OXO Good Grips Scale has a really great feature: a pull out display. This makes it easier to read the scale when you’ve got a big bowl on top of it. It’s inexpensive, and I’ve seen it for sale at...
