Saturday Linkages: Poultry Shaming, Horse Treadmills and Garden Snark

....html … Pison eu, Colon grossum! Reviving forgotten recipes: … Google sets roadblocks to stop distracted driver legislation Choosing a Secure Password … Physicists find a new ‘state of matter’ in the eyes of chickens


What Epuipment Do You Need to Bake Bread?

...kers I took classes with last year refuse to give cup equivalents in their recipes. Using a digital scale solved 90% of my bread baking problems. The scale pictured above is not the scale that I own, unfortunately. The one I have works just fine, but the OXO Good Grips Scale has a really great feature: a pull out display. This makes it easier to read the scale when you’ve got a big bowl on top of it. It’s inexpensive, and I’ve seen it for sale at...


How to Make Stock

...because we eat meat so rarely. A simple googling will reveal many detailed recipes, but the following will give you the basics. Again, don’t be nervous about making any type of stock. Just boil some stuff up and you’ll have stock. If anyone makes meat stock regularly and has tips, please chime in! Chicken Stock If you’ve just had a roast chicken or turkey, save the carcass. Put it in a big pot along with the basic vegetable stock ingredients from...


Get Baking and Share the Loaves

...% or more. Wet dough like this can be tough to handle which is why Baker’s recipes in the book are around 80%. As you get more experienced you can start working with more water in the dough. Baker said that he often gives a loaf of whole wheat sourdough to people who come in his bakery and say that they can’t eat bread. He says they come back and say, “Holy s***, I can eat this bread!” To pick up the basics of home baking I can’t say enough good t...


Wild Food Lab: Foraging Taken to the Next Level

...Food Lab website will give you an idea of what this team is up to through recipes and techniques for common wild foods. I think my favorite recipe is also the simplest: how to prepare the ubiquitous broadleaf plantain (Plantago major). Pascal gave me a couple of ideas for ways to enhance my bread experiments with seeds and wild herbs which I’m looking forward to trying. Do you have a favorite wild food? Tell us where you live and what you like to...
