More on Federico Tobon

...terviewing the always creative and ever resourceful Federico Tobon for the podcast. Federico put up a blog post going into more detail on some of the things we talked about during the podcast, specifically the type of CNC router he uses (the ShapeOko 2 ), his social media rules, a video proving that he’s trained his cats (!), his hand sewn bike messenger bag and a shot of the LA Eco Village rooftop beehive. We talked for hours before and after rec...


A Celebration of Craft

...tomato farmer and breeder Fred Hempel who was a guest on episode 79 of our podcast. Like Miller, Hempel has a humility that goes along with a sincere engagement with the natural world. Like Miller he’s more than happy to discuss his craft. A third person I met at the festival is Alice Doyle, owner of Log House Plants a wholesale nursery in Eugene Oregon. In her lecture she went alphabetically through a list of edible plants she thought were intere...


Peter Kalmus Arrested in Climate Change Protest but there wasn’t a peep about it with the exception of the excellent LA Podcast. @ClimateHuman chokes up speaking when talking about his son and why he’s chaining himself to Chase bank entrance, along w three other scientists: — Erin Stone (she/her) (@Erstone7) April 6, 2022 Peter was a guest on episodes 39 and 116 of our podcast. You can follow him on Twitter at @ClimateHuman. There’s a fundraiser for his and other a...


Veggie Trader

Media theorist Douglass Rushkoff has a great new radio show and podcast on WFMU called Media Squat. On the first episode he speaks eloquently of the power of developing local currencies through concepts such as time banking (see our local Echo Park Time Bank for a great example of that) and how these local efforts could be the way out of our current economic morass. Rushkoff is especially interested in the roll the Internet can play in setting up...


Saturday Tweets: Wild Azaleas, DIY Neutra Chairs and Hot Dog Water

...e — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 26, 2018 In addition to the Root Simple Podcast, I also record and edit the St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral Podcast. Mostly sermons but the newest episode is an interview with one of the Deans on the Gospel of Mark. Subscribe here: @stjohnsla — Root Simple (@rootsimple) June 30, 2018 Cat in a fancy dress [BnF, Latin 1178, 15thc.] — Damie...
