Saturday Tweets: Return of the Oakland Monster

...rescued — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 25, 2019 Amazon has been partnering with police departments around the country for months to offer discounted or free Ring camera doorbells to residents, helping to build a street-level surveillance infrastructure that’s powered by consumer volunteers. My latest — april glaser (@aprilaser) July 19, 2019 Rising heat (& hint of monsoonal moisture) as Desert SW...


Who Needs Windows?

...e the famous brutalist AT&T switching center in New York above), all those Amazon warehouses, or Los Angeles’ hidden and still functioning urban oil wells. Our window free tour will visit some misguided office buildings, a Masonic temple and a trade school. So turn on that glaring bank of florescent lights, sit down in a dark cubicle and let’s take a windowless journey beginning with the headquarters of America’s most mediocre chocolate factory. H...


Weekend Linkages: Sunspots

...Unraveling the Mystery of San Francisco 7-Eleven Stores Selling Onigiri With the Mayor’s Face on Them The website of the artist behind the Onigiri prank An app that shows if a book you’re looking at on Amazon is at your local library How to Build a Small Solar Power System Henry VIII’s pastry tent...


Weekend Linkages: Spring Brain Dump

...‘Les Animaux Mythologiques’ by Hinzelin Emile, (1857 – 1937) US spends billions on roads rather than public transport in ‘climate time bomb’ Amazon Ditches ‘Just Walk Out’ Checkouts at Its Grocery Stores Did Pope Gregory IX Order A Medieval Purge of Black Cats That Caused the Black Death? Christianity Was Always for the Poor The night people All the buildings on Sunset Boulevard...


Digital Götterdämmerung

...of his book Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World (Amazon, library) is the suggestion to take a one month break from addictive apps, websites and other digital media. Use that time to figure out some life goals. At the end of the month carefully add back the digital tools you find useful. I just started the one month digital fast and, already, I feel like I’m regaining a long lost pre-internet memory of when I used to read...
