Saturday Linkages: The Calm After the Storm

...of Altadena Makes and Uses the Ancient Atlatl: Gardening What to do with storm damaged trees: … Check out The vegetable garden by M.M. Vilmorin-Andrieux, of Paris on Google Play! Old book recommended by John Jeavons: … Bikes ‘Getting Jerry Browned’ and oth...


Vote Yes on 37!

...n 37. Proposition 37 will require genetically modified food products to be labelled. And that’s all–it’s not a ban on GMOs. If you like GMOs in your food you’ll still be able to get them in your hot Cheetos. All I’m asking is to be given a choice, through labeling, as to whether I wish to buy GMO products or not. I suspect it’s preaching to the choir to endorse 37 on Root Simple, but if you have relatives and friends in the Golden State that aren’...


Erik Talks Straw Bales on C-Realm Radio

...podcaster (and, as of last month, radio host) KMO. The topic is straw bale gardening. KMO talks first to straw bale garden expert Joel Karsten. Then I chime in enthusiastically on the topic. I’m followed by gardener and artist Lauren Blair. We’re all sort of an opening act for an entertaining 1990s era recording of Terrance McKenna thoughtstyling about “linguistic objects”. One interesting point that Karsten raises is the issue of persistent herbi...


Saturday Linkages: Will Your Next House Be Built With Mushrooms?

Fast Fungi Bricks via Dornob Gardening What I am reading from the Los Angeles Public Library: Organic Olives … Garden planter turns out to be Roman antique: … DIY North House Folk School … HOWTO make a s...


Grow Italian!

...tive American seeds By the way, for us in L.A. the back of the seed packages have no connection with our climate. You need a book like Pat Welsh’s Southern California Gardening to set you straight on what to plant and when to plant it. Now get out there and plant some seeds....
