Talk and Vermicomposting Workshop With Nance Klehm Sunday March 8th!

...s option! Stay after the talk for a short workshop taught by Nance on vermicomposting, that is, home composting using a worm bin. This is a fun and easy way to transform your kitchen scraps and waste paper into gold, even if you live in an apartment. Worm castings are a fantastic food for house plants as well as garden plants.You don’t need a strong back or much space to compost with a worm bin. Worm-shop participants will go home with a functioni...


Cybernetics: A Fatal Flaw

...that this type of “cybernetic utopia gone bad,” birthed in the idealistic pages of the Whole Earth Catalog, is how we ended up with Google and Facebook’s spyware based business model. Think for a second about how absurd it is that Mark Zuckerberg seems to believe that algorithms can parse the subtleties of all the world’s languages and flag the sort of hate speech that leads to deaths in countries like Myanmar and India. Still from Adam Curtis’ A...


Saturday Tweets: Two Weeks of Tweets for the Price of One

...zLhNoP — Medieval Manuscripts (@BLMedieval) December 7, 2016 LA’s traffic is so bad people have to deliver their babies in cars now — Alissa Walker (@awalkerinLA) December 6, 2016 Is Community Composting an Emerging Economic Opportunity? — UCUrbanAg (@UCUrbanAg) December 6, 2016 Grow Vegetables In Winter With A Mini Greenhouse – GardenFork — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December...


A Straw Bale Urinal straw bale urinal. The device comes as a flat polypropylene sheet, which is folded into shape and slotted together, then threaded on a looping band around the bale, its funnel wedged deep into the centre of the straw to channel the fluid to the composting core. A deluxe version is also available in stainless steel – presumably for the VIP bale urinal area. According to the article, Faltazi’s straw bale urinal will debut this summer at the Fr...


Help Plant a Garden — and Help a Local Eagle Scout

...mpletion date, and there’s still a lot to do: installing headerboard (9am) composting the planting areas (morning) planting trees, flowers, vegetables (afternoon) assembling benches (all day) It’s a fun chance to work with an (exuberant) team of young scouts and to help get another section of food gardens built. Start time is 9am, and we’ll continue all day until it’s done. Bring your own garden gloves. If you’d like to help with assembling benche...
