008 Grind Your Own Flour With Erin Alderson

...ling your own flours at home. Erin is the author of The Homemade Flour Cookbook and blogs at naturallyella.com. In our conversation Erin mentions that she uses WonderMill Grain Mill . We also discussed where to get unique grains. Erin mentions a few sources in her book: Bob’s Red Mill Arrowhead Mills Nuts Online Jovial Foods (source for Einkorn) Lundberg Family Farms I’ll add that if you’re in the Los Angeles area you can buy flour and grain at Gr...


011 Cleaning, Long Crowing Roosters and Water Storage

...references the importance of processing your inbox, an idea learned from a book Getting Things Done by David Allen. Long Crowing Roosters The Wikipedia article on long crowing roosters. A youtube playlist of long crowing roosters. Musical break “Banty Rooster Blues” by Charley Patton. Listener Question: Water Storage for Emergencies A correction to the podcast–the Food Safety Advisor is not free to download, but the information on water storage th...


The Arroyo Co-op in Pasadena

Back in the 1970s the phone book for Los Angeles had dozens of food co-ops. Until just recently that number had dwindled to one (in Santa Monica), in a region of some 13 million people. Which is why I’m happy to help get the word out about the new Arroyo Co-op. If you’re interested in joining here’s the press release I was sent: When you shop at your local supermarket, do you feel like you really belong there? Do you wish you had an alternative –...


Frida Paints Luther

...ing about people’s priorities in the 1930s. Kahlo liked to blur the boundaries between human consciousness, the vegetable and the animal. In her portrait of Burbank she touches on themes of life, death and transformation. You could write a book about what’s going on in this painting. Burbank’s work lives on inour backyards and orchards in the form of the fruit varieties he developed. I’ll view his Santa Rosa plum in our front yard differently afte...


Are Bees Mammals?

...’s milk) These are all characteristics of mammals. Thiele inspiration is a book The Buzz about Bees: Biology of a Superorganism , by Jürgen Tautz who calls bees,”the mammal in a thousand bodies.” Golden Hive. Thiele’s next point was that if we think of them as a mammal than we’re going to have a different relationship with them. Practically, this might mean different housing. If a bee is a mammal what they live in becomes their skin and fur. To ke...
