025 Bees and Home Ec Disasters

Of the 25 podcasts we’ve produced, this may have been the most difficult to put together. I don’t think most people know how contentious beekeeping practices are. There’s a sharp divide between natural/non-interventionist approaches and conventional beekeeping. I’m on the natural side, but I hope I was fair in my description of the California Beekeeper’s convention that I attended this week. During the beekeeping part of the podcast Kelly and I m...


Los Angeles is One Step Closer to Legalizing Bees

Hats off to the folks at HoneyLove for the hard work they are doing to legalize beekeeping in Los Angeles. This Wednesday they got a unanimous vote out of the city council to ask city staff to come up with a way to legalize beekeeping in residential areas as well as ways to encourage humane bee removal. While much hard work is ahead, HoneyLove’s strategy should serve as a model to people everywhere who are taking a look at our overly restrictive...


049 The Fierce Green Fire: Natural Beekeeper Patrick Pynes

...fricanized bees Aggression vs. defensiveness Top bar hives and Africanized bees Inspecting bees Advantages of top bar hives Eight frame Langstroth hives with foundationless frames Diseases If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. You can subscribe to our podcast in the iTunes store and on Stitcher. The theme music is by Dr. Frankenstein. A downloadable version...


Is Honey the Same as Sugar?

...icultural states like Illinois, where she lives, lack the nectar source biodiversity that bees need to stay healthy. It’s a state made up, almost entirely, of corn and soy fields. Her talk was somewhat of an indictment against one of the common practices of conventional beekeepers: feeding bees sugar. The problem is that these simple sugars lack many of the biochemical components found in honey that bees need to stay toxin-free and robust. Berenba...


Saturday Tweets: Eating in Japan, Bears, Bees and Cats

Five things you should never do when eating in Japan https://t.co/OuSfsMUbb0 — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 17, 2017 Shed of the Year 2017 – in pictures https://t.co/f34VaEwp06 — Root Simple (@rootsimple) May 18, 2017 Brief visual reminder that it's infrastructure and a respectful motoring culture – not helmets + body armour – that makes for safe riding. pic.twitter.com/L7xc2kWrJt — Martyn Schmoll (@martynschmoll) May 17, 2017 Clever but I t...
