Saturday Tweets: Eating in Japan, Bears, Bees and Cats

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  1. That did not turn out well when Dunsinane wood moved. Since this is happening, I would like to live long enough to see the consequences. Of course, I won’t live that long. I just wish there was a beyond with a window to watch.

    The pregnant woman on the bike reminded me of my experience. When I was 23 and expecting my second child, I rode my bike often. We lived in a small town and I was sort of in country. My doctor told me he had received a dozen calls telling him to tell me to quit riding my bike when pregnant. He laughed when I told him I would not stop. I rode until a week before delivery, and only was not riding until day of birth because I was out of town. I think bike riding is the most wonderful activity one can find. I think of it as fun not exercise.

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