LA’s Parkway Garden Dilemma: Not Fixed Yet

...fornica? Avoiding plant lists also goes for using the word “edible.” Most “weeds” are edible. Marijuana is edible (but would probably not last long in the parkway!). A lot of plants are “edible” but not necessarily something you’d want to eat. If a neighbor complains about my set of parkway plants can I just make a salad to prove they are “edible?” Allow growing plants over 4-inches without permit fees. If plants are not allowed to go to flower th...


February 2019 Garden Update

...a granny flat to the backyard to provide rental housing and/or space for aging relatives. I’ll post more pictures when the work is done and/or in progress. The photo above is somewhat deceptive and doesn’t show all the junk and weeds in the rest of the yard. That said, we are thankful for the rain that has made everything lush even if there’s a lot more work to do. I did manage to make a new gate, based on a design by the English architect C.F.A....


Saturday Linkages: The Kirghiz Light’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades

...A Winged Figure, Abbott Handerson Thayer, 1904-1911. Comet NEOWISE Dazzles at Dusk What to do With Blackberries Poll: Who always wears a mask in public—and who doesn’t? CoronaShock and Socialism ‘Not just weeds’: how rebel botanists are using graffiti to name forgotten flora Extreme atmospheric rivers: what will California’s strongest storms look like in a warming climate? The Sacro Bosco of Bomarzo...


Are Rubber Mulches or Tires in the Garden a Good Idea? mulch is not as effective as other organic mulch choices in controlling weeds. Furthermore, rubber mulches can attract insects (e.g., cockroaches), and they are highly flammable. In the long term, decomposing rubber mulch releases heavy metals and organic chemicals with unknown effects on human and environmental health. Other organic mulch choices, especially wood chips, are better performers and pose none of the environmental risks attributed...
