Weekend Links: We’ve Gone Crazy!

...e) April 21, 2016 Poor Griffith Park is falling apart, meanwhile Hollywood uses it as a back lot for $450/day (?!) https://t.co/zZBhKMnlUn @FilmLA @davideryu — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 20, 2016 This car said “No”. RIP bike sign in #boyleheights. 04/18/16 – 04/19/16.@MCMHandles @GoHumanSoCal @josehuizar pic.twitter.com/z8AhthDAeZ — From Lot to Spot (@fromlottospot) April 19, 2016 Beautiful Japanese “minimalist survival kit” that fits in a tu...


Cold brewed tisanes, teas and coffee: Your summertime best friends

...d plants. He talks about this in his book, The New Wildcrafted Cuisine. He uses whatever is in season at the time, an eclectic mix that may include wild mints, elderflowers, conifers like white fir and pine, herbs like black sage and berries of all sorts. Sometimes he adds less-wild ingredients, like lemons or honey. He leaves all these things swirling around in the jug at table, so that the sight of the infusion is almost as arresting as the tast...


Gardenfork’s DIY Rocket Stove

...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6dGHC_Sqok “East Coast Eric” over at Gardenfork did a variation on our five gallon bucket rocket stove. Eric’s version uses a much easier to find plastic bucket and it seems to work without melting. He’s also promising a sequel to this video featuring a unique egg-in-a-hole grilled cheese sandwich!...


Varroa Mites: No-Treatment is the Best Treatment

...g a job with Monsanto. The article looks at Hayes’s work at Monsanto which uses RNA interference (RNAi) to target varroa. It’s easy to see why Hayes would be interested in RNAi technology. It has the potential to knock out varroa mite without the many problems of current miticides. Critics of RNAi, however, bring up the issue of risk management: the unintended consequences of using a novel technology such as RNAi. If something did go wrong it coul...


Saturday Tweets: Chia Seed Granola, How to Measure a Tree and Fake Locksmiths

.../t.co/OVUCIlkRbX — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 13, 2016 How One Man Uses the 99 Cent store for his First Aid Needs: https://t.co/SuYCLFHVeY — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 13, 2016 How do you measure the height of a tree? Cool low tech method, courtesy Tree Map LA (which we've joined!) https://t.co/SM8TNWScme — Root Simple (@rootsimple) February 8, 2016 Fake Online Locksmiths May Be Out to Pick Your Pocket, Too https://t.co/Z3Grnwd...
