Stirred, Not Shaken

...ertilizers where catching on, Steiner proposed a radical return to organic farming. Biodynamic agriculture combines common sense practices such as composting with strange esoteric rituals. The oddest aspect of biodynamics involves the “preparations”, a specific set of substances made of manure, silica and herbs that are buried in cow horns, bladders and skulls. After a few months they are unearthed, ritually stirred and applied to soil and compost...


Saturday Linkages: That Hauntological Feeling Fry’s Electronics is shutting its doors for good What would it be like to live in an abandoned mall? Donate to my Patreon and we’ll move here If you like mannequins you’ll love this real estate listing Vertical Farming Does Not Save Space Despite cool and occasionally unsettled conditions in NorCal, unusually dry conditions to persist into March A heartbreaking but important reminder of the cost of this epidemic...


A Plea to End Daylight Savings Time

...keeps chickens knows that this time change nonsense has nothing to do with farming. The hens look to the sun as their cue to start their working day. The same goes for the cats who are, as I write this, staging a loud protest in the kitchen to let us know that breakfast is an hour late. It’s bad enough that our clocks are an abstraction of solar time. Why do we need to add another layer of abstraction by changing our clocks rather than adjusting o...


Bitter Greens

...a, a green that America has suddenly discovered after last month’s factory farming spinach nightmare. We also added a tough and bitter leaf chicory from our friends at Grow Italian. Hopefully, by succession planting we should have a winter and spring full of green, if somewhat bitter vegetables. How do we prepare these bitter greens around the compound? Very simply — in a pan with garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Sometimes we add some Parmigia...
