Saturday Linkages: DIY Coffee Roasting and That Crazy Rhubarb Lady … Making a Case to Phase Out “Beg Buttons” in Santa Monica’s Pedestrian Action Plan Meet Streetmix, the Website Where You Can Design Your Own Street » good read … Werner Herzog Made a Documentary About Texting While Driving. And It’s Haunting. http://ww...


Connect with Nature Project #2: Rediscover Your Feet

..., natural splay. My foot size also increased by an inconvenient half size, making it newly difficult to find shoes which fit. Next came barefoot walking. As has been oft mentioned in this blog, Erik is a barefoot runner. I don’t run, but I am a barefoot walker. Barefoot walking woke me to a world of forgotten sensations: the warm softness of asphalt, the fresh coolness of a sprinkler soaked sidewalk, the delicate slide of wet leaves beneath my toe...


Cat Litter Compost, Installment #3

..., but for various reasons decided to throw money at the problem instead of making it a project. I really like this system because a) It’s much neater. Pine litter is less dusty than clumping litter, which means less tracking, less dust on surfaces, cleaner cats. b) And it’s cheaper. Pine litter cost less than clumping brands, and I’ve heard that Equine Pine, bought in bulk, is much, much cheaper per pound than the kitty brands. Next time we go to...


Saturday Linkages: Goats, Chainsaws and a Big Blue Rooster

...ou-can.html?utm_source=feedly … Crafty Crafting with cat hair: no, I’m not making this up The Redventure Romp Cocktail by Amy Stewart … Vinyl Record Lamps … Combine a Mason Jar and Juice Carton into a Resealable Dispenser … A...
