Saturday Linkages: Bus Offices and Secret Doors … Ancient wheat: making a comeback … Soul Searching The secret to feeling like you have more time available – Boing Boing … Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail (review):


Fruit Tree Update: Flavor Delight Aprium

...r house in 1998.* Thankfully though, we got our act together eventually. In 2011, we put in a call local fruit tree expert Steve Hovfendahl for some suggestions. His advice was based on what would grow in our warm climate as well as fruit tasting results conducted by the Dave Wilson nursery. It’s been over two years since we planted the trees Hovfendahl suggested and they are just beginning to bear fruit. We ordered one too many trees and had to s...


Saturday Tweets: Rocket Emissions, Tarkovsky and Borges Quoting Furby

...CMsjS via @Verge — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 14, 2018 "To improve energy security, we need to make infrastructures less reliable". Keeping Some of the Lights On: Redefining Energy Security — lowtechmagazine (@lowtechmagazine) December 10, 2018 Fumigate your home with the Colonel’s salty musk! — The Baffler (@thebafflermag) December 14, 2018 Don't miss our big 10...


Essential System #4 – Illumination

...very American replaced one bulb with a compact fluorescent it would be the energy equivalent of taking 1.3 million cars off the road. But back to LEDs. For emergency purposes it might be wise to have a Forever Flashlight that requires no batteries. You shake the thing back and forth to run the light, with no batteries ever needed – the device’s only real disadvantage in fact is that the charging gesture, which uses Faraday’s principle of electroma...


Free Introduction to Permaculture the basis for designing integrated systems of food, shelter, renewable energy and community. Permaculture is the perfect solution for creating sustainable lifestyles in the city. Learn how to cope with peak oil and the energy descent society of the future. Become the solution! Learn how LA can be a model for sustainable cities. This Free Introduction to Permaculture Class is an outline of the science and art of Permaculture. It will define the...
