Breadbaking (Level 1) Class at the Ecology Center

...uan Capistrano on Saturday February 8th. To sign up head over to the event page. Here’s the 411: Ditch the preservatives and plastic wrap. Join us and learn how to make homemade, all-natural bread from scratch. Take home fresh and ready-to-bake dough! There was a time in the not-so distant past that the smell of freshly baked bread permeated households everywhere. Let’s revert to those wholesome days and make a difference. In this hands-on worksho...


How to Search for Science-Based Gardening Advice

...mate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more.” All of these databases overlap to some extent and you’ll probably need to check more than one to be thorough. They will also deliver results from trade and popular sources (not a bad thing, of course, but these sources are not as authoritative as peer reviewed information). Another handy tip Chalker-Scott discussed is the use of an asterisk when...


Saturday Tweets: A Week of Strange Links

...@misschiffonade) March 30, 2016 Bitcoin transactions could consume as much energy as Denmark by the year 2020 — Xeni (@xeni) March 31, 2016 This page of the 12th-c. Bible of Stephen Harding (now digitised by @BMDijonPat), is a real medieval comic book. — Damien Kempf (@DamienKempf) March 31, 2016 #Netherlands sets guidance reducing #meat consumption to twice weekly @NatGeoF...


Happy Cranksgiving

...we should blame individuals for espousing it. Rather we need to focus our energy on changing the systems that promote toxic individualism. Let’s tell stories about solidarity instead. Not me us, in other words. Stats, stats, stats and more stats I never studied statistics. Most people never studied statistics. This is probably why there are so many statistical errors in the media. If I’m spotting them it must drive the mathematically inclined ins...


Airing Our Dirty Laundry average of .22 therms of natural gas per load at our gas company Sempra Energy’s August rate of 59 cents per therm, by using our clothes line we achieve the admittedly not too impressive savings of 17 cents per load. If we had an electric dryer we figure that the cost would be about 44 cents per load if the dryer consumed four kilowatts for a 45 minute spin. And remember that when you use electricity in Los Angeles, thanks to the Department of...
