The Sound is Forced, the Notes are Few

...e instruction on how to become your optimal you (while also protecting yourself and others from a potentially deadly disease that is killing people all over the world). Big tech cannot hide their delight; finally, a truly captive user base! Facebook insists that “We’re never lost if we can find each other,” which might feel grossly insensitive, but only until you see the glee in the Apple ad: “Now, more than ever, we’re inspired by people in every...


Life in a Pandemic

...he pandemic, the risk is that an even worse virus may strike us: that of a selfish indifference that forgets those who are left behind. — Pope Francis (@Pontifex) April 24, 2020 Responding to this crisis responsibly is an act of solidarity with other people, particularly with the elderly. We’re sheltering in place not to protect ourselves but to protect the vulnerable. Many people are also still working, risking their lives and the lives of their...


Truth and Beauty

...PRB and from the English and American Arts and Crafts movements. To be frank, I’m tired of my own and my generation’s cynicism and irony and I’m haunted by Adam Curtis’ critique of self-expression in contemporary art. I think it’s well past time to get back on the the road not taken, the one started for us by the PRB....


Saturday Tweets: Too Many Tweets! didn’t have to drive, park, fuel, or insure? No, it’s not an Uber or a self-driving car… it’s the bus! Our latest episode, “Making the Bus Sexy Again,” is here. — The War on Cars (@TheWarOnCars) March 7, 2019 I quit as a math teacher in the public schools in America when I realized I had to choose between doing the BS to prove I was doing my job, or actually doing my job. Complying with the BS...


Saturday Tweets: A Solar Powered Blog, Caravansaries, Moths and Michaelmas

Our new self-hosted, solar-powered blog is designed to radically reduce the energy use associated with accessing our content. — lowtechmagazine (@lowtechmagazine) September 26, 2018 The mother of all Iranian caravansaries: @atlasobscura — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 29, 2018 Survival on the sea: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 29, 2018...
