Two apps for choosing bike routes: one good, one bad

...anes and paths were. Now, there are apps for that. The Good: Google Maps In 2010, a bike option was added to Google Maps. While not perfect, it works surprisingly well. Combined with a little familiarity with what streets are good and bad to ride on, I now find that I rarely look at the city’s bike maps anymore. Here’s an example: one weekend this month, Kelly needed the car and I had to across town, from the La Brea Expo line station to the new W...


115 Inventing a New Word: Apisoir

...he reasons he thinks we should support local honey. You heard it first on Root Simple! During the podcast Michael mentions: Rowan Jacobsen’s book American Terroir: Savoring the Flavors of Our Woods, Waters, and Fields “Merroir“ Bee Local Honey Planet Bee You can reach Michael via his Facebook page and his email is [email protected]. Apisoir, apisoir, apisoir! If you’d like to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-...


How To Stop Powdery Mildew

...begin with some condensed advice from UC Davis’ Integrated Pest Management page: Preventative measures: grow resistant varieties find a sunnier spot for the vegetable garden back off on nitrogen Non-chemical approaches sprinkle plants with water mid morning–add soap for more effectiveness remove infected leaves promptly and dispose of them Fungicides: apply horticultural oil, neem oil or jojoba oil if the temperature is under 90° F. Do not apply a...


Saturday Tweets: Architectural Screw-Ups, Road Diets and Pet Dragons

A page of architectural screw-ups — Root Simple (@rootsimple) January 20, 2018 Go ahead tell me again why road diets are so bad for LA — Alissa Walker (@awalkerinLA) January 15, 2018 New #DIY video on how to make maple syrup with file cabinet evaproator #maplesyrup — Eric Rochow (@GardenForkTV) January 15, 2018 Delightful site curates New York Times...


Does Facebook Actually Work for Promoting a Small Business or Non-Profit?

...contrarian journalist and advertising consultant B.J. Mendelson for episode 524 of the C-Realm podcast. In the interview Mendelson addresses one of the concerns that many of us face in our relationship with Facebook, namely that we have to be on it in order to promote our business or non-profit. Mendelson reminds us that Facebook is selling an advertising medium and that Mark Zuckerberg and other social media moguls might just be exaggerating its...
