Weekend Linkages: Not Enough Trains

...A mini Red Car at L.A. Train fest Plant-based meat once seemed unstoppable. What went wrong? Can We Make Bicycles Sustainable Again? Pruitt-Igoe residents exposed to government testing seek compensation. ‘What about us?’ ‘Rat tours’ boom in rodent-infested New York Building Myself a Reading Tracker App with Airtable and Deno Fresh, Part 1...


Weekend Linkages: Cat in My Chair

...LA’s Corporate Class Wants to Reverse Progressive Gains Mindfulness in a Distracted World with Nate Klemp Driverless taxi vandalized and set on fire in San Francisco’s Chinatown Just gonna put this here and see if anyone can explain how it’s possible to jump that far in high heels Spent a hard day struggling with measurements in the shop and can’t stop thinking about this...


Weekend Linkages: How does one represent that which, by definition, must not be represented?

...https://youtu.be/5wlj8nsygWA?si=F6QW7r3kUjfi0mKj Trevor Paglen is an artist and geographer who explores the blank places on the map. I came across his work during my time at the Center for Land Use Interpretation. In lieu of links today here’s a short but detailed dive into his work. I’m especially fond of the secret program patches he’s collected....


Weekend Linkages: Where’s My Cookie?

A note on this photo: my wood shop is right on the street and I have a dog cookie jar for the neighborhood doggos. The ones on extendo-leads just run into the shop and others pause with this expectant expression until I stop working and open the jar. We’ve found it folks: mcmansion heaven A nice collection of Indian recipes The reasons medieval people slept in cupboards Nightshade, the free tool that ‘poisons’ AI models, is now available for arti...
