Saturday Tweets: A Wacky Week

.../ via @podessey — Thomas Rainer (@ThomasRainerDC) July 10, 2016 ‘I quit the rock’n’roll life to spread the grow-your-own message’ #HDYGG @courgetteitc — Guardian gardening (@guardiangardens) July 9, 2016 Pole-Mounted Mason Jar Garden Lights — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 8, 2016 Curved Paper Folding — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 8...


The Practical Side of Philosophy

...ons: How should one evaluate arguments for or against compost tea, organic gardening, or Hugelkultur beds? Is it ethical to drive/fly/buy stuff in plastic bottles given our ongoing ecological crisis? Do the humanities or arts have anything meaningful to contribute to our understanding of nature or is the whole shebang covered under the sciences? In one of the Republican debates last year Marco Rubio quipped that America needs more welders and fewe...


Happy Holiday Weekend!

...It’s a holiday weekend in the US, meaning that, with the exception of our international readers, few people are checking the blog. You’re either gardening, brewing beer, burning a large effigy in the desert or constructing a giant wall around San Francisco. Down in LA? We’re sleeping with the cats....


Heirloom Expo in Photos

...s. It’s inspiring and frustrating all at once since, unless you have your own garden, you’ll never see such diversity at the supermarket. I came back with the will to improve our dismal vegetable gardening efforts and with a bunch of interviews you’ll hear on our podcast this week. For those of you who didn’t make it this year, here’s some of what you missed:...


De-Cluttering for DIYers, Homesteaders, Artists, Preppers, etc. Brewing equipment. Soap making bowls and molds. Woodshop tools. Gardening supplies. Sewing and knitting stuff. All this stuff is wonderful, but it takes up space. There’s no getting around that basic fact, but we can be more disciplined about keeping those supplies trim and tidy. Speaking from experience, I know I don’t need a hundred canning jars on hand at all time, much less their dented and rusty rings to be able to preserve food a...
