102 Beekeeping Controversies With Susan Rudnicki

.... Why most advice is pro-treatment. Keeping feral stock. Africanized bees. Mistakes. How often to inspect. Swarm prevention. When to take honey in a Mediterranean climate Dodgy bee removal services. The “Complete Idiots Guide to Beekeeping.” What’s wrong with package bees? The difference between swarming and absconding. That Flow Hive thingy. Darwinian concepts in beekeeping. “Scientific” beekeeper Randy Oliver’s change of opinion on feral stock:...


Moldy Grapes!

...ing blogger and Make Magazine editor Mark Frauenfelder about how important mistakes are in the DIY life, so here’s two more recent blunders for ya’ll, courtesy of Mrs. Homegrown Evolution. Recent failure #1: Inedible Pickled Grape Leaves We have grape leaves. Lots of them. Our two table grape vines are a little hesitant to really bust out, but our native grape (Vitus californica) has taken over the entire south facing wall of our garden, and is th...


A Tour of the Homegrown Evolution Compound

...cine or habitat for birds and beneficial insects. But we’ve made plenty of mistakes, and continue to do so. We’re survivalists. Can we live off our yard? No. Can we make a meal with stuff from the yard? Yes, but we go to the supermarket just like everybody else–there’s no room for a wheat field after all, nor do we grow coffee or a host of other necessary staples. But, we seldom buy greens at the store, and almost never buy herbs or eggs–we’ve got...


On Shoddy Workmanship

...ot to be confused with perfectionism. A craftsperson is not afraid to make mistakes, to fail and to learn from setbacks. But to cut corners and know you’re taking an easy shortcut is to fall into halfassitis mode. William Morris said, “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful.” Morris’ craftsmanship was a reaction to the newly industrialized world. I can’t think of a better role model for countering...


More boneheaded plant representations from Hollywood

...a pair of Crocs and call them Jimmy Choos? No, no and non. We’d never make mistakes like that justify them as being unimportant because they were just small details in a silly movie or TV show. Details matter a lot when the objects have cultural significance, as designer shoes and footballs do. This is why it is fine to be stupid about plants, because nobody cares about plants, and we have lost every last vestige of plant literacy. I don’t think t...
