Saturday Tweets: Dubious Tips, Growing Furniture and So Much More

.../ — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 16, 2015 The Roomba for Lawns Is Really Pissing Off Astronomers via @WIRED — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 16, 2015 Make your own compost Sensor — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 16, 2015 Don’t make bicyclists more visible. Make drivers stop hitting them. — Root Simple (@rootsimple) April 15, 2015 Mexican farmers are trucking p...


Mulch, mulch, mulch!

...rary to popular belief, need a lawn. In fact, we all know they are hard on lawns. As far as kids go, a yard full of trees to climb, secret forts, chickens, flowers, vegetable patches and interesting critters and bugs might better lure them outside than a perfect lawn. I know many happy kids who live in such yards. And as a kid myself, I preferred such spaces. I have no fond memories of grass. I do have strong memories of playing in wilder spaces–u...


Getting Ourselves Back to the Garden underused, wasted space. What if we transformed those empty, never used lawns and parking lots into gardens and community spaces? This is exactly what the Environmental Changemakers did in collaboration with Holy Nativity Episcopal Church in Westchester, a suburb of Los Angeles near the airport. This past weekend a 10th anniversary party was held to celebrate the collaboration and recognize the leaders of the two organizations, Joanne Poyourow,...


Three California Natives that Double as Culinary Herbs

...efully chosen Mediterranean plants. No more petunias, leaf blowers or fake lawns either. Imagine if all our residential, government and commercial spaces had climate appropriate landscaping? Native insects, birds and other critters would explode in population. It would be a paradise. It would also be a huge culinary resource. Grow these plants in your garden and you can dodge the controversies of foraging in the wild. Towards that end, I thought I...


We are all gardeners

...plot. Every time we shop for food, every time we drive our cars or mow our lawns or choose where we’re going to live or just when settle down on the couch with our laptops, we are deciding what the world looks like. We choose to extract certain things from the natural world, and we choose to…er… supplement…our soil and our water with various substances. We choose what may and may not grow, when and where. We decide what may and may not crawl, cree...
