055 Guerilla Furniture Design

...zines and web sites. During the podcast we discuss: Arcosonti Rural Studio Making furniture out of cardboard Frank Gehry’s cardboard furniture and Shigeru Ban’s cardboard architecture Holman’s Instructables projects Guerilla Design principles: Honesty, utility, economy and beauty Ikea hacking Open Works – the makerspace Will is helping build in Baltimore Opendesk Will’s website Objectguerilla.com If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple...


Ian Hamilton Finlay’s Gardening Wisdom

...waters are continually flowing in.” Installing is the hard toil of garden making, placing is its pleasure. I think I’ve spent too much time in the installing and not enough time contemplating the placing. In so doing gardening has become more of a chore than a pleasure. Superior gardens are composed of Glooms and Solitudes and not of plants and trees. I take this to mean that a garden should express moods and ideas and not be just a collection of...


059 The Dew Abides

...ing parents The Great Purge Setting up a bar in the house Home carbonation Making peapod wine Food stamp diet A Place at the Table Mindful eating Hundred dollar holiday The division of labor at the Dew Abides household Green renovation Website: TheDewAbides.com, Social media: Dew Abides in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. Yo...


An Early Resolution

...all back at my feet–how high would the pile be? As big as my house? So I’m making a resolution. Instead of berating others, I’m declaring a personal moratorium on to-go cups–all disposable cups for both hot and cold drinks, actually, because why not? I banned plastic water bottles from my life long ago. Why it took so long for me to eschew the cups, I don’t know. I guess I was always able to mutter, “Well, at least they’re paper.” Denial is a beau...


026 Riding a Bike in Los Angeles with Colin Bogart

...bout how to ride a bike in the city, commuting by bike and the politics of making our communities more bike friendly. Colin shares his experience of growing up in the suburbs and how he got back into riding a bike. During the discussion (fueled by a bottle of wine, I’ll note) we discuss: Aids Lifecycle Bike Summer Riding to work Is riding a bike in the city safe? Riding slow Keeping cool when you’re being honked at Lane positioning Avoiding the do...
