Straw Bale Garden Part V: Growing Vegetables

...e resource intensive than growing in the ground or raised bed, straw bale gardening has a lot of advantages for the beginning gardener. Integrating fertilizers into a straw bale is a lot easier than making high quality compost and a lot faster. While not a long term strategy, I’m looking forward to trying straw bale gardening again. How is your straw bale garden doing?...


When it’s time to remove a tree two shrubs too close together, so now they’re crowding one another and making a sort of Frankenstein hedge, you have to correct it. Gardening has a huge learning curve. You’re going to make mistakes. It’s inevitable. You have to fix the problem. If the plant in question is thriving, full of rude health, not poorly placed but not fitting into your future plans, meditate on that. A thriving plant–the kind that doesn’t seem to need any care at al...


SIPS and Kraut at Project Butterfly

...108 Los Angeles CA 90013 Blurbs: “The Urban Homestead…touches on vegetable gardening, poultry, DIY cleaning products and beer making — all outlined with a sense of play and fun. —Whole Life Times “…a delightfully readable and very useful guide to front- and back-yard vegetable gardening, food foraging, food preserving, chicken keeping, and other useful skills for anyone interested in taking a more active role in growing and preparing the food they...


Saturday Tweets: Bird Eyesight, Making and Marginalia

Clear-cut tropical forest revitalized with industrial orange peel waste — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 2, 2017 Support A Skid Row Bike Lane – Sign the Petition! via @Change #bikeLA @lacbc — Colin Bogart (@ColinBogart) August 31, 2017 Right so I was researching bird eyesight and can someone explain why these feel like really obscure memes — max ✨ (@naxxramen) August...


Adventures in Extreme Making: The White Rose

For reasons I can’t fully articulate, I often think about an obscure film by the artist Bruce Conner called “The White Rose.” Conner’s film documents the moving of a huge and mysterious painting by the artist Jay DeFeo. The painting is so large that the moving company had to cut a hole in the wall of DeFeo’s second second floor apartment to get it out. Perhaps the appeal of this film is the problem solving or the obsessiveness of DeFeo. Or maybe...
