DIY Project: Reconnect with Nature

...rself somewhere away from noise and people. It is possible to do this in a garden, or even among your potted plants, but it is easier to do in a natural place. A quiet beach. In a meadow. By a lake. Up in the mountains. Go alone, or have your companion(s) leave you alone for a while. 2) Walk to a place that feels inviting. You’ll know it when you see it. 3) Sit. It’s best to sit on the ground if your body allows it, to be in direct bodily contact...


Saturday Linkages: $1 Homes, Compost Heated Showers and Potty Talk

...Sweet Home Gary Indiana unveils Dollar Home Program: Gardening Pipe planters … Mariposa Nabi Community Garden features this alter via @GlenDake … DIY IKEA Hackers: New life for Old Poang! 13 Ways To Turn Your Outdated ’90s Tech Into Truly Usable Things


Self-watering terracotta seed-starters!

...tering containers for seedlings. Most anyone who has ever tried to start a garden from seeds has had the experience of having seedlings die or go shocky due to a heat wave or a day or two of neglect. Starting seeds in a self-watering container makes a whole lot of sense. These containers can go up to a week between waterings. Even better, Anne’s seed starters are made out of terracotta instead of plastic. We’ve tried out her 6-pack model. It’s rea...


Michael Thiele and the Love of Bees

...Michael Thiele is the founder of Gaia Bees, and co-founder of The Melissa Garden (a honey bee sanctuary and resource center). His approach toward bees is deeply respectful and non-exploitative. He views honey as a gift and a medicine, not as a crop. In the video above he is demonstrating a hive of his own design, the Sun Hive or Haengekorb, the shape of which reflects the nature, needs and processes of the bees–not us. He describes the hive as an...
