Saturday Linkages: Of Tiny Shops and Margarita Dermatitis

...raised bed: Projects/ferrocement/ferrocement garden bed.html The Agony and the Ecstasy of Gardening with Children: … Live light Join the Aussies in a Plastic-Free July: Stuff to worry about With 2 Weeks’ Worth Of Trans Fat, Long John Silver’s ‘Big Catch’ Dubbed Worst Restaurant Me...


Saturday Linkages: Cheapskates and Controversy! When Master Gardeners Break the Rule and say they’re Master Gardeners | Garden Rant … Containers make lousy houses: … Instagramming Your Food May Signal Bigger Problem, Researcher Says Will Google Glass End...


Biochar: Miracle or Gimmick?

...years there is some new substance touted as the secret to a lush vegetable garden. One such substance is biochar, a kind of charcoal used as a soil amendment. The University of Minnesota Extension service is in the midst of a four year study to test the use of biochar in vegetable gardens. Preliminary results (which you can read here) show benefit for some crops such as kale, but a decrease in growth for others such as asparagus. The more we learn...


On Living in Los Angeles Without a Car: A Debate

...h are in other cities? What about emergencies? What about all the farm and gardening supplies we have to haul around? It seems to me that deciding to live without a car in a city like this is a little like deciding to take religious orders. It involves a reworking of all your habits and considerable sacrifice. It would be much easier if we didn’t have pets and backyard livestock and a big garden. It would be easier if we lived closer to a train li...


Initial Thoughts on the Age of Limits 2013 Conference

...hatever happens, good or bad it’s in our interest to build community, grow gardens and eat healthy food. Back to Kelly: As Erik says, we’re both agnostics in terms of outcomes. We know it looks bad, but we won’t make bets on when, where or how the badness, or the various badnesses, will manifest. It seems a poor bet to try to predict the behavior of any enormously complex system. But just because we don’t know exactly what’s going to happen doesn’...
