Garden Magician Jeffrey Bale

...g and spend a few hours in awe of his work. He has a new post up showing a garden he built from scratch in Portland and a drought tolerant garden in Los Angeles. I’m especially fond of the fountain in the Portland garden. Bale’s works is informed by his world travels. He creates spaces that invite contemplation and mystery. Join with me in imagining a world in which creative people like Bale could be cut loose to transform both our private and pub...


Back to the Garden the Garden. This idea haunts me. I find references to this song, to the Garden and gardening and Eden everywhere I turn, as if the universe is whacking me upside the head, saying, “Pay attention!” Genesis tells the tale of humankind’s expulsion from Eden. It is a myth. The definition of a myth is a tale which is not factual, but which is true. In our age of empiricism this can seem like a contradiction of terms, but it isn’t. A myth is a truth...


134 Eric of Garden Fork on Mental Decluttering, Washing Machine Repair and More! making and, Watch Garden Fork on Youtube and subscribe to the Garden Fork Podcast. You can also find Garden Fork on Patreon. Eric’s DIY T-shirt video which includes a tour of Sunset Park Brooklyn Why Eric’s giving up beekeeping! Mental decluttering Washington Post Inspired Life column Don’t Give Up signs Laura Kampf You Tube Steve’s Small Engine Saloon Video of Steve fixing $50 generator Eric’s Washing machine repair video Minimalist...


Thankful for the New Rain Garden

...rminates at a simulated gravel filled stream bed that spills into the rain garden. Kelly has just started planting the wet lower part of the rain garden with native plants including water loving Douglas irises (Iris douglasiana). She planted the dry outer edges with desert willow (Chilopsis linearis), coyote mint (Monardella villosa) and assorted grasses. Alas, my hopes of building a little boat in which to row back and forth across our new season...
