Saturday Linkages: Sedum Stumps, Chicken Steadycams and the End of the World

...// Modest Student Micro-Cottage is a Mere 12 Square Meters | Designs & Ideas on Dornob … Emergency Shelters … Read and Relax in the Sculptural Bookworm Chair | Designs & Ideas on Dornob … Holy Crap! GRANT...


On Living in Los Angeles Without a Car: A Debate

...h are in other cities? What about emergencies? What about all the farm and gardening supplies we have to haul around? It seems to me that deciding to live without a car in a city like this is a little like deciding to take religious orders. It involves a reworking of all your habits and considerable sacrifice. It would be much easier if we didn’t have pets and backyard livestock and a big garden. It would be easier if we lived closer to a train li...


Chicken Guantanamo and scratch down every plant they find edible behaving, as the Petaluma Urban Homesteaders put it, “like a pack of delinquent teenagers”. Our chicken housing consists of three zones. Zone one is the hen house–that aluminum structure on the right in the photo above. It contains a roost for the chickens to sleep on at night and a nesting box for the hens to lay their eggs in. Zone two is a secure run covered in 1/2 inch hardware cloth–the area le...


Saturday Linkages: Holiday Edition

...erpriced, useless, or just plain bizarre: an anti-garden gift guide … Half Of Supermarket Chicken Harbors Superbugs, Consumer Reports Finds Why LA’s local water strategy is like ‘Superman 3’ … Bike helmets and safety: a case study in...


Eight Things to Consider When Saving Vegetable Seeds

...ased vigor of hybrids can be advantageous if you’re having trouble in your garden.] 2. Know how the vegetable is pollinated It’s much easier to save the seeds of self-pollinating vegetables such as beans, peas and tomatoes. Remember that bees can fly for miles–anything pollinated by insects have to be isolated or caged to prevent cross-pollination. And many vegetables have weedy cousins. Try to save the seeds of carrots without caging and you may...
