Day to day, our decisions count, or perhaps is delivered to your door. Some CSAs go beyond veggies and fruits to provide meat, fish, milk, eggs, bread, flowers, etc. It takes some getting used to being in a CSA, because you don’t get much choice in what you’re given week to week, so you and your family need to have a spirit of adventure to go forward with it. CSAs and farmers’ markets teach you many things, including: The amazing flavor of food which is both fresh and in-sea...


061 National Heirloom Expo Report

...ks behind Baker Creek Seeds and features speakers, a huge hall of heirloom fruits and vegetables, vendors, livestock, a biodynamic pavilion and live music. I’ve attended each year for five years in a row. This year I took my portable recording equipment and on this episode of the podcast you’ll hear interviews with root vegetable expert Grant Brians, Sir Cobalot, Sustainable Santa (yes you heard that right) and we’ll conclude with a discussion abo...


Saturday Linkages: Paleo Flour, Viking Tents and Chinese Cabbage as the New Kale

...— Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 18, 2015 Startling animated MRIs of fruits and vegetables via @BoingBoing — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 18, 2015 Tent Porn – Dual Viking Tent. This is pretty damn… — Prepper Chicks (@PrepperChicks) September 16, 2015 Toilet Garden — Root Simple (@rootsimple) September 16, 2015 Is your honey cut with sugar syrup?


Composting: Nothing is Wasted, combined with, perhaps, a greater recent emphasis on eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, but oddly, we’re somehow wasting 20% more now than we did in just back in 2000. The response of the industry to our guilt is–of course–to offer us more crap to choke the landfills new consumer products to address our needs, everything from smart refrigerators which promise to keep veggies longer, to plastic storage containers with replaceable charcoal...
