Root Simple’s New CritterCam

...g and what time do they come through? What’s the best way to critter proof fruit trees and vegetable gardens? What mammal is chewing on our fruit? How often do coyotes visit and at what time? (We’ve seen them two times in the backyard). Are rats visiting our chicken feeder? When does a broody hen get up to eat? What critters are hanging around the chicken coop at night? Use the camera’s time lapse function to look at shade patterns in the yard. I’...


Picture Sundays: Root Simple Compound Caught On Google Street View

...that Google Street View, back in April, caught me in the act of contemplating cleaning the garage. You can tell from my posture that I’m in the intellectual rather than the physical stage of garage sorting. In the front yard the fruit trees have leafed out, clarkia is blooming in the sparse parkway, the nopal is loaded with immature fruit and the roses have yet to climb the entrance arbor. If only I had a Root Simple banner and and an alpaca to t...


017 Heirloom Expo Recap of the things and people we mention during the podcast: California Rare Fruit Growers Rachel Kaplan, author of Urban Homesteading Trathen Heckman of Daily Acts Apiculturalist Michael Thiele “Fruit Freak” John Valenzuela Franchi seed seller The Heirloom Seed Store Permaculturalist Toby Hemenway If you want to leave a question for the Root Simple Podcast please call (213) 537-2591 or send an email to [email protected]. You can subscribe to our...


Saturday Linkages: Composting People, Jujubes, Bumpy Eggs and More

...odern Farmer Cool #ecotip How to store vegetables and fruit without plastic: … Hot? Get a fan: … Urban Change in L.A. – Too Little, Too Slow


Pomegranate Factoids

...granate tree. They’ll grow in more humid climates but may not produce much fruit. Ours took five years, from planting as a bare root tree, to get the modest crop you see in the picture. It’s one of my favorite trees–delicious fruit, a red flowers in the spring and a gorgeous display of yellow leaves in the fall–what more could you ask for? If you’ve been successful growing pomegranates outside of California (and worldwide) leave a comment letting...
