The Sundiner–A Groovy 1960s Era Solar Cooker temperature is reached (built-in heat indicator dial) and pop a tray of food into the oven. There is no fire or fuel to handle. Sole source of cooking stems from the collected, concentrated rays of the sun. Here is a sample of how long various meats take to cook: Hamburgers, franks, and fish, 15 to 20 minutes. Steaks and fillets, 20 to 25 minutes. Quartered chicken, 25 to 30 minutes. Temperature variations are possible by turning the Sundiner t...


Straw Bale Gardens

...Killer Compost). Despite this risk, we’re going to go ahead and grow some food in bales anyway and see what happens. We’ll also be testing our straw. So, off we go into another gardening adventure/research pit! So have any of you tried, or are considering trying, straw bale gardening? How did it work? Some resources on the topic:–the website of Joel Karsten, profiled in Tortorello’s article and the author of a book and a down...


Saturday Linkages: Beer Caps n’ Plants … Plants! Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land Transmitted light photos of houseplants:… … grounded design by Thomas Rainer: Noel Kingsbury: The Ghost in the Machine
