Moldy Grapes!

...But for a longer ferment, like sauerkraut, you really do have to keep the food below the brine with weight. Recent Failure #2: Moldy Chamomile Tea We had a bumper crop of chamomile this year, due to generous volunteerism on its part. Several large plants sprung up in unlikely spots and thrived with no help at all. I harvested lots of the flowers so I could have chamomile tea in the cupboard until next spring. The mistake I made in this case was n...


Homegrown Evolution in the LA Times

...he summer of 2006 of tomatoes supported by one of the obelisks. With a backyard dominated by two large shade trees, the parkway, with its excellent sun exposure, is the best location for us to grow food. We invite neighbors to share our harvest, and to answer a commonly asked question, we’ve never had a problem with anyone getting greedy and taking all the tomatoes....


Stoicism as a Toolkit for Modern Life

...iques for keeping our heads screwed on straight in troubled times. Growing food, doing stuff with your hands, drinking homebrew with friends–all these kinds of things help keep us grounded and hopeful. But sometimes you need a little more help. Maybe we’ll call these posts “When chickens aren’t enough.” Whether the world is ending or not, it’s important to have a tool kit for dealing with stress and anxiety. Stoicism, an ancient form of philosophy...


Saturday Linkages: Makers, Haters and Beekeeping Donkeys

...zilian model offers post storm hazard tree assessment: Food Preservation Homemade Cranberry Jelly and Pickled Cranberries … Makers Step-by-Step Tiny Home Design & Construction … Open Source Ecology’s “Build Yourself”:


Saturday Linkages: I’m tired of doom, let’s garden and make things . . . planting: intuition vs. reality: Praise for Growing Food in a Hotter, Drier Land DIY Small Batch Strawberry Rhubarb Jam + Rhubarb Recipes from the Archives … A home-brew helicopter in Africa: … Small batch artisanal high-fructose corn syrup: http...
