Non-Toxic Cleaning for the Home

...n their travel paths with vinegar or rubbing alcohol to erase their scent, making it hard for them to find their way back in. Block their points of entrance with strong smelling and powdery substances. Start with non-toxic stuff and work your way up to boric acid if you have to. Many people find lines of cinnamon very effective. Other have used lines of baby powder or even lavender buds. If your fruit bowl went bad and now you are plagued by fruit...


Kitchen Alchemy

...s. Ysanne Spevack moved to our neighborhood recently and has a really nice cooking website and blog at That pumpkin bread she blogged about recently looks mighty tasty and we can’t wait to try her buckwheat recipes recently featured in the Los Angeles Times. She has written a number of books, specializing in cooking with organic ingredients. We also got a visit from farmer and agriculturalist Shannon Hayes of New York’s Sap...


Cooking with Poo

...s have turned biogas into art. A Danish collective who call themselves Superflex have created a biogas system involving an bright orange ball to collect biogas and claim that just two cows will generate enough gas for 8 to 10 people. SurviveLA is working acquiring a herd of water buffalo for Silver Lake. Next step will be to tear up the asphalt parking lot of the RiteAid for pasture. A plastic bag, some pvc pipes, and we’re in business....


Saturday Tweets: Cooking in Clay, Cuteness and Pickles

Why food tastes better when cooked in clay: — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 22, 2017 How parking lots are ruining Los Angeles via @CurbedLA — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 22, 2017 Double Rustic Barn Doors (From Framing Lumber) — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 20, 2017 Small Batch Bread and Butter Pickles — Root Simple (@rootsimple) July 22, 2017 Wha...


Camping and Solar Cooking

I’m a big fan of backpacking sufferfests, which often involve a long drive followed by hiking thousand of feet up and over challenging, rocky terrain. The sense of accomplishment and breathtaking scenery is always worth the effort, but something is also to be said for an alternate camping scenario we’ve taken to recently, involving loading up our cargo bike (the amazing Xtracycle) and biking to our destination, all the while carrying almost as mu...
