The Tiny House

...can find a vacant lot, such a small house could be the ideal start of your urban homestead, leaving plenty of yard space for growing your own food. And these small building literally sip utilities making them ideal for hooking up to solar power and very cheap to heat and cool. They are also expandable as your needs or family grows. And perhaps most importantly, they prevent expansion of all the things we don’t need, the giant plasma screens, the i...


Build a Rocket Stove

...echo Research Center, a non-profit organization devoted to improving conditions in third world countries through the development of low cost, simple cooking and heating technologies have developed a number of rocket stoves that you can build for your urban homestead. They have a simple model called the VITA Stove made with sheet metal (note the better soundtrack music on the video) and an institutional model made with a 50 gallon drum. We think we...


Help Plant a Garden — and Help a Local Eagle Scout

If you’re a local and have idle hands tomorrow, our friends at the Community Garden at Holy Nativity could use your help: On Friday June 24, Eagle scout candidate Taylor Martin will hold a workday for his Eagle project. And Taylor needs a bit of help. Taylor’s project extends the Community Garden at Holy Nativity. His team has already removed a large area of lawn, and on Friday they’ll be planting six fruit trees. It will transform the entrance t...


Sprouted Rye Class This Saturday! to start a rye sourdough starter, how to sprout grain and how to work with 100% rye doughs. There are still a few seats available so sign up soon. As a bonus, there will be a pizza lunch and community bread bake using the community oven built by Environmental Changemakers. To sign up for the class head over to the Los Angeles Bread Bakers Meetup Group....


Permaculture Design Course at the Ecology Center in San Juan Capistrano

...e. Course Organization: March 29 – June 19 Every other Saturday/Sunday from 10am – 4pm. 10am-11am – Design charrette 11am-noon – Lecture noon-1pm – Lunch break 1pm-4pm – Hands-on workshop/demo Schedule will vary on days with off-site engagement Course Objectives: The intention of this course is that each apprentice will graduate as an eco-advocate who can better design human settlement. This course will shape how we think about community and cultu...
