In the Gutter

...over the damned up gutters. Two simple bits of technology can make gutter cleaning easier. We have inexpensive strainer baskets made out of 1/4 inch hardware cloth in each of the downspouts to keep them from clogging up. Some may wish to consider leaf guards which run along the top of the gutter to keep out leaves and other debris. The problem with leaf guards is that in order to clean out your gutters you must tediously remove the guards along t...


015 Worm Composting and Skunks

...ifteenth episode of the Root Simple Podcast Kelly and Erik discuss how our cleaning project is going, worm composting, the ongoing skunk menace in our garden and we review two books. Apologies for some clipping in the audio and the cat interruptions. Worms During the worm composting segment we cover: Why worm composting rocks! Our wood worm bin. Kelly’s post on basic worm composting and resources. Santa Monica College’s worm bin. Skunks The BirdCa...


Picture Sundays: Root Simple Compound Caught On Google Street View

...t Google Street View, back in April, caught me in the act of contemplating cleaning the garage. You can tell from my posture that I’m in the intellectual rather than the physical stage of garage sorting. In the front yard the fruit trees have leafed out, clarkia is blooming in the sparse parkway, the nopal is loaded with immature fruit and the roses have yet to climb the entrance arbor. If only I had a Root Simple banner and and an alpaca to take...


Introducing the People Washer

...he water intake automatically shuts off and the hot water begins to whirl, cleaning the body even more thoroughly. While the water whirls, small rubber balls float around in the water, massage the skin, and relax the muscles. After seven minutes of washing and rubber-ball massage, the bath water drains from the sphere and the body is reshowered for two minutes. The shower and the ultrasonic waves cease and the water is drained out. Finally there i...


Saturday Linkages: Get Off the Internet and Embroider!

...o learn embroidery? Natalie Richards shows you the stitches on YouTube. Unraveling the Secret Origins of an AmazonBasics Battery All Right Already By now, we know where Facebook’s allegiances lie Meat in the Machine Winds of change: the sailing ships cleaning up sea transport Silicon Valley Leaders Sit Down With Wildfire At Investment Meeting After Being Impressed By Its Rapid Expansion Belgian TV show takes politicians on a bike ride – then confr...
