Saturday Linkages: Get Off the Internet and Embroider!

...o learn embroidery? Natalie Richards shows you the stitches on YouTube. Unraveling the Secret Origins of an AmazonBasics Battery All Right Already By now, we know where Facebook’s allegiances lie Meat in the Machine Winds of change: the sailing ships cleaning up sea transport Silicon Valley Leaders Sit Down With Wildfire At Investment Meeting After Being Impressed By Its Rapid Expansion Belgian TV show takes politicians on a bike ride – then confr...


Talk and Vermicomposting Workshop With Nance Klehm Sunday March 8th! things. It is the living sponge that filters our water and air, thereby cleaning them both. It stabilizes our constructions, prevents flooding, protects our landscapes against drought, and ensures the health of our food, water and air. Soil is not a thing. It is a web of relationships that stands in a certain state of a certain time.” — Nance Klehm Bonus option! Stay after the talk for a short workshop taught by Nance on vermicomposting, that i...


Cutting a Beehive Out of a Wall, Sue and property owner Jen When we got back to Sue’s garden we put the frames into a hive box and dumped the loose bees in. While we won’t know for a while if the hive will take to its new home, we all felt a great sense of accomplishment. Hopefully, other urbanites around the world will take up beekeeping and put more exterminators out of work. For more info on Kirk Anderson’s natural beekeeping methods see Got a be...


Handmade, Homegrown Apron Contest

...h a lot of people. There were about 50 of us and we took turns cooking and cleaning. Every Friday we celebrated ‘Naked Pizza Fridays.’ Only the men would cook on Fridays. They would wear aprons and nothing else. Just the apron. Oh, the good old college days. Perhaps this is why I see aprons as slightly subversive and rather sexy. Dear readers, if you would like to have this apron, send me an email and tell me what activity you would use your apron...


How to Deal With the Dreaded Pantry Moth

...tation as well as reduce the population, but they are not a substitute for cleaning and putting things in jars. Incidentally, what we call “pantry moths” encompass a variety of different insects with colorful names such as the Drugstore Beetle, and the Confused Flour Beetle. All these bug-a-boos just love post-agricultural human habits of storin’ up food. Like cats, roaches and mice they’re with us until we devolve away from our agricultural ways,...
