An indispensible urban tool: the titanium spork

...preparation for a long hiking trip, but it soon proved its utility in the urban environment. It’s always in my bag, a permanent part of my “everyday carry”, and I use when I’m eating food from home as well as in situations where I’d otherwise be forced to use plastic flatware. I love its simplicity and utility. The prongs of the spork are substantial enough to work as a fork, but aren’t hard on the mouth when it’s used as a spoon. I have another...


Saturday Tweets: Barbra Streisand, Urban Farm Troubles and Thoughtful Plants

...ttp:// — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 5, 2014 Seized! Urban farm troubles in Detroit: via @JewishNewsDet — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 4, 2014 Inhofe's grand climate conspiracy theory: It's all about Barbra Streisand via @motherjones — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 3, 2014 Six Myths About Climate Change that Liberals Rarely Question — Root...


How to Design and Fabricate Homestead Projects

I’m a horrible designer. My music degree (I have a master’s degree in un-listenable noise from UC San Diego), did not prepare me for the rigorous design and fabrication needs required for our two books and this blog. But, over the years, I’ve bugged our art, design and architecture friends for advice. Luckily, I’m also married to a talented artist (also with a UCSD degree–go Tritons!) who can provide 24 hour emergency art and art history advice....


054 Digital Design Tools on the Homestead

Our topic this week is using digital design tools such as Sketchup to conceptualize and build simple projects around your house or apartment. Our guest is designer John Zapf, proprietor of Zapf Architectural Renderings and the genius behind our chicken run. During the podcast we discuss: Why you should draw up plans before you build something Architectural Graphics Standards Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) technology John’s Cat Bed 7 (pictu...


Fashion on the Homestead wear will be obvious. Does that mean a chicken coop casual Fridays? And for part two of this post I need to cajole Kelly into blogging about her outré homesteading uniform idea. In the meantime, how do you approach the way you dress?...
