Of paper wasps and scrub jays

...ow their ways. Paper wasps, also called umbrella wasps, are those guys who build smallish, open celled nests in protected places, often the eaves of your house. Wasp stings are quite painful, but few people know that these wasps rarely attack unless provoked. More, they are very beneficial in the garden, because they prey on insects which damage plants. So when they build nests under our eaves, we leave them alone, and never have any problems. But...


In Defense of the Paper Wasp

...though there are many different kinds of paper wasps). Paper wasps like to build their small nests under the eaves of the house. Their diet consists of caterpillars, flies and beetles—anything that eats those kinds of bugs are a friend of mine. Nests consist of around 30 to 40 wasps–workers, queens and drones. They are much less aggressive than hornets and yellowjackets. How I stopped worrying and learned to love the paper wasp Of course, sometime...


Saturday Linkages: Saris, Punk Rockers, Poppies and Young Agrarians

...asps-nest-built-ov.html … Punk rock homesteading resources: http://punkrockhomesteading.com/e-books/ Two new California poppy species: http://www.pensoft.net/journals/phytokeys/article/6751/two-new-desert-eschscholzia-papaveraceae-from%C2%A0southwestern-north-america … Contrasting Front Yards: Turf Only v. Wildlife-Filled | Garden Rant http://gardenrant.com/2014/04/contrasting-front-yards-wildlife-v-turf.html … When Pedestrians Get Mixed Signals h...


Fence Appeal

...is fence and a lot of furniture. It also gets used by friends and neighbors. On one of the many rainy day breaks during the fence build, I glanced at my bookshelf to discover that I have two books by Michael Crow, Mackintosh Furniture: Techniques & Shop Drawings and Building Classic Arts & Crafts Furniture. I actually built a Limbert settle out of the latter book. One of these days I hope to build a room of very strange Mackintosh furniture. In th...


Chris Burden’s Small Skyscraper

...loophole in the City of Los Angeles’ building code which allowed anyone to build a shed no more than 400 square feet but, oddly, 35 feet tall. So, back in 2003, Burden built a 35 foot tall shed/skyscraper. Embarrassed city officials soon closed the loophole. Burden was probably best known for having himself shot and crucified in the name of performance art, but I remember him for making it impossible to build the backyard tower I’ve always wanted....
