How to save tomato seed

...can’t find the post if this is so. Perhaps we wrote about it in one of our books…the old brain is getting foggy. It’s easy to save seed from your favorite tomatoes. Seed saving in general is actually a little tricky. You can’t just save the seed from any old vegetable in your garden and hope that it will yield plants like the parent. Cross-breeding is an issue. Professional seed savers use all sorts of sacks and screens and boxes to ensure that bu...


Your Open Floor Plan is a Death Trap Service Fatalities in Structure Fires 1977-2009 Rita F. Fahy, Ph.D. June 2010). Let’s take a closer look at some of the unintended consequences of open floor plans and modern materials. Open Floor Plans U.L.’s research proves conclusively that open floor plan interiors create fires that spread faster and are harder for firefighters to control. Another trend in homes is to remove walls to open up the floor plan of the home. As these walls are re...


Saturday Linkages: Fueling Up

Only in India DIY Six ways to reuse plastic mesh bags: … How I Work: I’m Mark Frauenfelder, Editor-In-Chief of MAKE Magazine, and This Is How I Work – … Free Heat for Your Home: Homemade Briquettes and Logs


Saturday Linkages: Cat Houses, Office Gyms, Cooking in Compost and More . . .

A cat house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Makin’ Gourmet meal cooked in compost: … The Fixer’s Manifesto Short film about Safecast, the hackerspace-created, crowdsource radioactivity monitoring project … Vintage Cat House Designed by the Office of Frank Lloyd Wright –


Saturday Linkages: Garden Hoses, Planners and IKEA Hacks . . .

Ikea meets aquaponics. Gardening Finding the Garden Hose of my Dreams Garden Rant … Home Ec On Planners, Productivity, and Idle Pleasures … DIY Barn Door Track Tutorail How Google Earth Revealed Chicago’s Hidden Farms: Bad News Department Florida couple may have to give...
