Saturday Tweets: Cheap Heaters, Paper Airplanes and Lost Ornaments — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 3, 2015 Gorgeous book of paper airplanes collected by anthropologist Harry Smith — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 3, 2015 It’s time for food justice in Ramona Gardens — Root Simple (@rootsimple) November 3, 2015 Beautiful, free/open 3D printed book of lost Louis H. Sullivan architectural ornaments — Root Simple (@ro...


Our Amazon Problem

..., a few questions I have: If we were to start self-publishing short how-to books would you want them in an inexpensive ebook format or would you be willing to pay more for a physical book? Do you think we should cut all ties with Amazon? How many of you have gone as far as Hopkins and have deleted your personal Amazon account? Would you be willing to support us through donations? How about online classes? What subjects would you want us to tackle?...


My Favorite Podcasts

...ole and Victorian children’s author Favell Lee Mortimer’s offensive travel book. In Our Time Host Melvyn Bragg corrals a posse of academics to discuss topics in history, religion and philosophy. When guests drop big words like “hermeneutics” and “teleology,” Bragg always brings them down to earth and makes them explain things in plain English. This show has filled in many gaps in my education and functions as a reminder that not all of the media i...


Saturday Linkages: Pallets, Ladybugs and Portlandia

...chicks wearing muffin wrappers as tutus! … The Flight of the Ladybugs … The Portlandia Activity Book … World made by bigots … For these links and more, follow Root Simple on Twitter:...


Trading our Home for a Dome the US) and leak like crazy. Lloyd Kahn, who wrote a bestselling how-to book on building domes in the 1960s, became so disenchanted with them that he pulled his own bestselling book from print. That said, they have an otherworldly and transcendent vibe that, in the case of the pictures that accompany the real estate listing, seem to have inspired the seller to paint some trippy outsider art. The kitchen, on the other hand, looks like a ten minu...
