Saturday Tweets: Mid-Century Cookies, Harbor Freight Chainsaws and Epistemology!

...IH — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 17, 2016 30 Beautiful Firewood Log Arts — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 17, 2016 Top 10 cats in literature #Caturday — St. Margarets Sounds (@SM_Sounds) December 7, 2016 Podcast interview with memory champion and Memrise founder Ed Cooke — Root Simple (@rootsimple) December 16, 2016 Podcasting’s positivism problem


A Week Later

...rizontal gesture. The sacred travels in a straight, horizontal line from heart to heart, from eye to eye. It is always with us. It binds us all together. Peace to you all. *** n.b. I realize I should note that St. John’s did not descend on the Islamic Center out of the blue. We already have a good relationship with them, due in no small part to the efforts of the marvelous Guibord Center to promote interfaith friendship and understanding. If you l...


Solar Oven Triumph: Fluffy Egg Strata

...nd 40 minute mark, ready to come out. Solavore Sport Strata (based on the Eartheasy Strata) Serves at least 4-6, more if you have other things to eat The main adjustment I made to the Eartheasy recipe was in adding more eggs and milk, because the enamel pots which come with the Sport are pretty big, and I found that the original recipe’s quantities didn’t quite cover the bread. It’s normal to have some bread poking up out of the mix, like glaciers...


When It Rains in LA

...t live in Los Angeles. It reminds me of a junior high memory. I went to one of those schools built in the 1950s with a broad bank of windows on the side of each classroom. During an English class it started to rain. The entire class spontaneously got up and ran to the window. The teacher, a transplant from New England was, at first, confused and then started laughing at us....


Will the Lawn Rebate Turn LA into a Gravel Moonscape?

...ancestors could distinguish between hundreds of plants, but that ancestral memory has been hijacked by commercial interests. Now, instead of plant identification skills, we name and distinguish things like cars and mobile devices. If there was a kind of car rebate program that inadvertently replaced BMWs with Pontiac Azteks I would guarantee you that there would be blood in the streets. We need a new cultural narrative and a crash course in plant...
