Saturday Linkages: Of Granola and Turlets

...02/06/how-to-install-a-toilet/ … DIY Wax Seals: A History and How-To | The Art of Manliness … Emergency Bench … Bike flat tire repair kit inside tire levers: … Building a bottle tower for container gardening: A just plain cool gard...


Federico Tbn’s Self Irrigating Pots

...e 5 gallon bucket better by carefully heating it with a propane torch. The art is just for fun, sometimes it is hard for me to leave things unpainted. The second pot uses a sock to wick water up into a container full of cat grass. Kitty looks happy. I’ve used SIPs for years and they are a great tool for landless gardeners. Federico has taken the SIP a step further by making them beautiful. You can see more of Federico’s projects and art at


Summer Nights in the Garden at the Natural History Museum a green thumb? Stop by the painting booth and that can soon be changed. Artist Peter Tigler brings participatory image making to NHM. Learn the hi-tech method of fingerpaint meets the ancient art of color-by-number! RSVP HERE for free admission to L.A.’s best garden parties! Unable to RSVP? We will continue to allow limited entry at the door until we hit capacity. EACH NIGHT WILL INCLUDE… MUSIC! Enjoy the ambient music of KCRW DJ, Anthony Valad...


A William Morris Pilgrimage

...e influence of Morris’ ideas about building preservation. In 1880 Morris started a campaign to oppose a major remodeling that was proposed for this church. That campaign was a part of his Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings which still exists. SPAB’s philosophy is “to stave off decay by daily care … and otherwise to resist all tampering with either the fabric or ornament of the building as it stands”. St. John the Baptist church has 60...


Who Needs Windows?

...rticle on moving to a new facility, “Our current building was state of the art when the IBM Selectric was state of the art, for people who still remember what the IBM Selectric typewriter was like,” says Carmicheal. “And you know in a modern digital age, it just fights us all the time. It’s about 17 stories tall, depending on how you count the floors, and so it takes a long time to go up and down and grab records and bring them down. When people c...
